Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on www.transcontinentaloverload.com.
Transcontinental Overload
49. Building home within (part 2) - with Lea Misan
In our second conversation, Lea and I jump right back in and pick up a few subjects we mentioned in Episode 48.
This time we dig even further into our expat minds, and Lea takes me deep into Jewish cultural history and how it's shaped the collective psyche.
We also talk about how our own experiences have not only shaped us, but also keep influencing our immediate families, and we go back to topics such as identity, belonging, homesickness, and how we can maintain a bearable tension between missing a place and living in the present.
For more information about Lea, or how to contact her, take a look at her therapy and coaching website, or contact her by Email: coachleamisan@gmail.com
Lea's Charity: Act for Change , Email: lea@actforchange.org.uk, also on Instagram and Facebook.
Lea can also be found on LinkedIn.