Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on www.transcontinentaloverload.com.
74 episodes
73. 5th Anniversary Episode - Steph's Take
Happy Anniversary, Transcontinental Overload Podcast! While the current abysmal state of affairs is nothing to be cheerful about, I'm trying to keep a positive mindset and am celebrating that my podcast is 5!Let's use a...

72. Abenteuer Rückkehr - mit Andrea Zahrte
Heute gibt's mal wieder eine Folge auf Deutsch! Mein Gast ist Andrea aus Hamburg, die sich nach mehreren Jahren in den USA wieder in Deutschland eine Karriere und ein neues Leben aufgebaut hat. Andrea arbeitet im internationalen Sch...

71. A little end of year note - Steph's Take
Just a quick note to say THANK YOU!!! It's been a great year, and here's to a happy and productive 2025!In case you want the definition of RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria):Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is when you ...

70. US culture shocks - with Viktoria Daute
Today's episode takes us to a city close to my heart: Austin, the capital of Texas. My guest Viktoria, originally from Germany, tells us how she ended up in the Lone Star State, and you'll find out why we are expat twins! ...

69. Destination Special: Huaraz, Peru - with Ami Furness
We're off to South America again! Today, we're travelling to Huaraz, the hiking capital of Peru. Ami, a student from the UK, takes us to her favourite spots and talks us through some interesting food and drinks she encountered during her st...

68. Authenticity and connection in a crazy world - Steph's Take
I have something very different for you today. This episode is just a little outburst that needed to find an audience - I'm working on new projects, but while I don't have a finite home for them yet, this podcast is my temporary host.

67. Destination Special: Aberdeen - with Catriona Turner
Today we're travelling to the Silver City!Catriona Turner, author of "Nest - a Memoir of Home on the Move", former guest on this podcast and recent repatriate to Scotland, takes us around her beautiful hometown of Aberdeen.If you haven'...

66. Making friends and the power of loneliness - with Sarah Siegert
Have you ever felt lonely in your expat adventure? My guest today is Sarah, a German in London, who used her own loneliness to establish a business as a "Loneliness Coach". Friendships, and how to make friends and keep them, is ...

65. Mehr als Worte: Sprachen lernen, Kulturen verstehen - mit Vanessa Paisley
Heute geht's auf die Insel!Mein Gast ist Vanessa, eine Engländerin, die lange in Österreich gelebt hat und seit 10 Jahren wieder in ihrer alten Heimat Hertfordshire lebt.Vanessa arbeitet als interkulturelle Trainerin und Sprachlehre...

64. Celebrating life as an Adult TCK - with Shakti Hannie
My guest today is a true ATCK - an adult third culture kid. Third Culture Kids are people who were raised in a culture other than their parents' or the culture of their country of nationality, and also live in a different environment during a s...

63. Destination Special: Asunción - with Nicole Palazzo
For my very first Destination Special, we're travelling to South America!Nikki Palazzo, born in the US and a former expat in Germany, is showing off the city she's called home for the last 18 months: Asunción, the capital of Paraguay.&n...

62. When expat dreams turn into a fight for survival - with Sabine Schwab
My guest today is Sabine, a fellow German transplant in New Jersey, who's lived in the US since 2010. Her story is truly harrowing and amazing at the same time: Sabine talks about how a life-altering emergency made her expat journey take a ...

61. Notes from a romantic expat - with Iliana Genkova
Today's guest is a true nomad - Iliana, a Living Abroad Strategist, writer and scientist, born and raised in Bulgaria, and currently living in Chicago.Iliana left life behind the Iron Curtain for adventure in the US just before the mill...

60. Ein Herz für Vintage - mit Susann Reiner
Und weiter geht's mit den deutschen Folgen! Mein heutiger Gast ist Susann Reiner, alias Madame Süsette, Vintage-Liebhaberin und Geschäftsfrau mit Herz.Susann ist ursprünglich aus Thüringen, und floh mit ihrem damaligen Mann kurz vor der...

59. Going Dutch - with Rossella Davi
We're heading to Rotterdam today. My guest is Sicilian Rossella Davi, who's lived in the Netherlands on and off for the last 12 years.While we talk a lot about how national stereotypes aren't always applicable, we also can't escape them...

58. Abenteuer Auswandern - mit Monique Menesi
Meine erste Folge auf Deutsch! Mein heutiger Gast ist Monique Menesi - vielleicht bereits bekannt durch ihren Muttersprache-Podcast, oder ihren

57. Closing the Culture Gap: the power of vulnerability - with Christian Höferle
My guest today is "The Culture Guy" - Christian Höferle, founder, president and CEO of The Culture Mastery, a coaching, mentoring and consulting company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Our conversation starts with Christian's early life...
56. Embracing the mess: Life in a global family - with Mariam Navaid Ottimofiore
Today's guest is, without a doubt, the most global person I've had the pleasure of talking to! She is none other than two-times author, writer, speaker, economist, language enthusiast and passionate expat, Mariam Navaid Ottimofiore. To ...

55. Turning your expat journey into a book - with Catriona Turner
Today's episode is for all the aspiring writers out there and, of course, their equally important enthusiastic readers! My guest is Catriona Turner, a seasoned expat and newly published author. Her memoir, "Nest - a Memoir of Home on the Mo...

54. Humanising education: the importance of emotional intelligence - with Brantley Turner-Bradley
My guest today is an education warrior: Brantley Turner-Bradley, East Asia Education Director for Dwight Schools.Born in Brooklyn, NY, Brantley spent 25 years of her life in China and is raising thr...

53. Written in the stars: How locational astrology can guide your life's story - with Katherine from Bad Days Abroad
Today's guest is Katherine, who was a guest on my podcast two years ago, an expat coach, writer, and locational astrologer. Using my own journey as an example, we're t...

52. Sex, Lies & Audiotape: why American teenagers don’t get the full story - with Julia & Jeremiah, the Sexvangelicals
We're going really deep today! My guests are American family and sex therapists Julia & Jeremiah, who currently live in Utrecht, The Netherlands. They are the founders of "Sexvangelicals - the sex education the church didn't wa...

51. Just a lil' spring update
Hey, it's me, I'm still here!Just a little update from yours truly. The sound isn't very good as I recorded this in the car, but at least it's a little sign of life! In a nutshell: I'm spending more time writing these days than on the...

50. Have dog, will travel! - with Chase Warrington
My guest today is Chase, an American currently based in Spain and Germany. Chase works as Head of Remote at Doist, a pioneer of distributed work that specializes in productivity software. He is resp...

49. Building home within (part 2) - with Lea Misan
In our second conversation, Lea and I jump right back in and pick up a few subjects we mentioned in Episode 48.This time we dig even further into our expat minds, and Lea takes me deep into Jewish cultural history and how it's shaped the co...