Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on www.transcontinentaloverload.com.
Transcontinental Overload
68. Authenticity and connection in a crazy world - Steph's Take
I have something very different for you today.
This episode is just a little outburst that needed to find an audience - I'm working on new projects, but while I don't have a finite home for them yet, this podcast is my temporary host.
For comments, please find me on Instagram! I absolutely welcome feedback, especially at this work-in-progress stage.