Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on www.transcontinentaloverload.com.
Transcontinental Overload
51. Just a lil' spring update
Hey, it's me, I'm still here!
Just a little update from yours truly. The sound isn't very good as I recorded this in the car, but at least it's a little sign of life!
In a nutshell: I'm spending more time writing these days than on the podcast, but it's still going. :-)
Please leave feedback and suggestions, contact me if you want to be on my podcast or just want to chat!
You can find me on my website, or on Instagram.
Just a little update from yours truly. The sound isn't very good as I recorded this in the car, but at least it's a little sign of life!
In a nutshell: I'm spending more time writing these days than on the podcast, but it's still going. :-)
Please leave feedback and suggestions, contact me if you want to be on my podcast or just want to chat!
You can find me on my website, or on Instagram.