Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on www.transcontinentaloverload.com.
Transcontinental Overload
52. Sex, Lies & Audiotape: why American teenagers don’t get the full story - with Julia & Jeremiah, the Sexvangelicals
We're going really deep today!
My guests are American family and sex therapists Julia & Jeremiah, who currently live in Utrecht, The Netherlands. They are the founders of "Sexvangelicals - the sex education the church didn't want you to have", and co-host the Sexvangelicals Podcast.
Sex! Religion! Politics! We talk about it all in this episode. Our topics range from sex education (and the lack thereof) at school to differences in parenting depending on which country you grow up in, and the impact of social media on they way we approach sex.
You can find out more about Julia & Jeremiah on Instagram, and make sure to check out their website, where you'll also find the Sexvangelicals Podcast. Their site is an absolute treasure trove of books, links, and recommendations if you want to dig deeper!
The book Jeremiah references is "Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex". Highly recommended!
The 2021 documentary I mention but couldn't remember the title of: "Cusp", following a group of teenagers in rural Texas. Watch the trailer here, and read more about the documentary here and here.