Transcontinental Overload

53. Written in the stars: How locational astrology can guide your life's story - with Katherine from Bad Days Abroad

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Today's guest is Katherine, who was a guest on my podcast two years ago, an expat coach, writer, and locational astrologer. 

Using my own journey as an example, we're traveling the world looking at some of the places I've lived in or visited, and how the date, place and time of my birth are determining how I react to different places in the world.

If you're interested in finding out more, check out Katherine’s website, or find her on Instagram.

Special treat: Katherine is offering a 20% discount for listeners of Transcontinental Overload on her Astrocartography packages!! Code ASTROMAP20, bookable here.

Katherine recommends: 

Planetary line themes:

  • Sun: a place to be seen, the ego can develop, creative talents become more visible
  • Moon: a place to call home, go deeper into yourself, be with family, and nurture self-care practices
  • Mercury: a busy place with lots to do, many people to meet, and so much to learn
  • Venus: a place to love and be loved, to indulge, create, and find pleasure and romance
  • Mars: a place to stake your claim, get motivated, take action on your passions, and do big things
  • Jupiter: a place of expansion, good fortune, luck, overindulgence, and grand new beginnings
  • Saturn: a place of discipline, restrictions, and limitations, tough life lessons that make you stronger
  • Uranus: an unconventional place with lots of twists and turns, alternative experiences and people, and disruptions
  • Neptune: a dreamy place of bliss, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism
  • Pluto: a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life
  • Nodes: a place you may have been in a past life that can still feel like you’ve been there before, fated experiences 
  • Chiron: a place to heal your inner child, explore wounds from the past, and turn pain into art or healing 

MC Line: The Midheaven/Medi-Coeli line is your voc