Transcontinental Overload

19. Meet the Germans II - with Rachel Stewart

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Today's guest is Rachel from YouTube channel "Meet the Germans"!
I always love talking to people with a connection to Germany, and Rachel being a Brit in Germany was a double whammy of fun for me.

Apart from comparing notes on German and British culture, we also discuss what it's like to move in stages, and the importance of moving on your own terms, especially when it comes to your career, so you don't end up being a trailing spouse.

Other topics include the German obsession with asparagus, bad internet infrastructure, carnival hysteria, and the crime that is the dubbing of TV series and films.

Please go and find Rachel's show on YouTube! You can find her on the Deutsche Welle Euromaxx YouTube Channel, and of course, check out her Instagram.

Episodes of Meet the Germans that we talk about in particular are:
Small Talk
Film dubbing

And please don't forget to consider a donation to Refugees International. You can do this by visiting my website and scrolling down to the Psst! Section to find the "Buy me a Coffee" button, or go straight to my Ko-Fi page. Thank you so much!!!

Rachel Stewart